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Monday, June 25, 2007

What can a conversion lens do for me?

Many of today's digital cameras come with a built-in optical zoom. However, you are limited to how much of the subject area you can get in the image (wide-angle) or how close you can bring in the subject (telephoto). Some advanced camera models, including some C-Series and all E-System models, allow you to add lenses to get the desired result. For instance, a wide conversion lens attachment will permit you to shoot a better landscape or capture all of your family in one shot (click for an example). A tele conversion lens will let you zoom in incredibly close even when you can't physically move any closer, such as when you're at a sporting event (click for an example).

Keep in mind that when you're shopping for a conversion lens that Olympus conversion lenses are engineered to match the optical design of the lens. This means that the conversion lens is specifically designed with knowledge of the type of elements used, number of lens elements used, and how the lens elements are grouped on the prime lens, resulting in the best possible image quality.

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