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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

View Your Photos on a TV

Display your digital photos on TV for your friends and family to enjoy.

Many digital cameras have an AV (audio-visual) out adapter. With this adapter you may be able to connect your digital camera to a TV set and watch your photos on a big screen!

The exact instructions for doing this vary depending on your camera, and you should refer to your digital camera manual for details. Basically, it comes down to the following:

1. Turn off your digital camera.

2. Insert a media card into your digital camera containing the photos you would like to view on your television.

3. Plug in your digital camera using an AC adapter if possible, as playback mode can drain batteries quickly.

4. Insert the camera's AV adapter into its AV output connector, and insert the corresponding ends into your TV's audio and visual-in connectors. Depending on your television you may need to buy a secondary adapter.

5. Turn on your TV and set it up to receive external input.

6. Turn on your digital camera.

7. Set your digital camera to output to TV, if necessary (some digital cameras may automatically detect a plugged in AV adapter and begin sending signal).

8. Enable your digital camera's slideshow mode.

9. Sit back and enjoy!

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