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Monday, June 25, 2007

Print pictures without a computer or printer.

Did you know you can print out all your digital images even if you don't own a printer or a computer? Many photo processing labs, drug stores and camera stores have user-friendly kiosks that feature a printer with a computer. Simply insert your camera's media (xD, SmartMedia, or CompactFlash) into the dedicated slot and follow the easy steps on the computer to print them out in various sizes. These kiosks typically include easy-to-use features for cropping and editing your images, too, so you can get exactly the photo you want, and in just a matter of minutes.

If you have a computer but don't have printer, you're still in luck. There are a number of online photo services that allow you to upload your images and even store them on their site for free. Using their site you can then order photo-quality prints of your photos and have them delivered right to your door, or you can send a link to a friend or family member of your online album from which they can see all your great shots and even order prints for themselves. Many services also let these images be ordered to appear on t-shirts, mugs, and mouse pads, if desired.

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