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Friday, July 13, 2007

Night and low-light photography>>1. Three keys to successful night shots

Before you start shooting night photos, here are the three most important things to remember:

- Disable your flash

Bring out breathtaking detail in low-light conditions by using a long exposure (the time your camera takes to collect light).

Select Flash from the capture menu, then
select Flash off. Press Menu/Ok.

- Use a tripod
Long exposures require you to hold your camera perfectly still to avoid blurring. A tripod really helps. If you can't get your hands on one, you can try bracing yourself against a stationary object like a tree, or a wall.

- Use your timer
Even when a camera is on a tripod, your finger pressing the trigger can cause enough movement to blur a photo. You can avoid touching the camera altogether by using the timer.

Select Timer from the capture menu and press Menu/Ok.

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